Pet Peeves: The Writing Peeves

Good Morning (or night or afternoon, wherever you are, whenever you read this)! This post / email is for those who want something fun to read. Hope you stick until the end!

This is going to sound really annoying, just a heads up. I have pet peeves that relates to writing.

First, typos. They are incredibly annoying to read, especially when I don’t have access to the content, and I can’t fix it. They are perhaps the reason why I get triggered every two seconds when reading things written by amateurs that don’t care about typos at all. Especially when they can’t spell. Or that’s just because English is their second language, or third language, or however many languages they already know. It didn’t help that my siblings could not spell for the life of them (maybe), and almost half the adults I knew, growing up, did not have English as their first language.

It’s the small details that annoy me. I type something, and I look back on it a few days later and ask myself, ‘what in the world was I thinking? They’re instead of their?’ or something along those lines. And no, my dyslexia does not help in the slightest, and no, my pet peeve is not helping anyone except the fellow-minded people who get triggered every time they see a mistake. Some may call me a perfectionist, I completely agree with them. Someone do a brain surgery on me so I don’t get triggered over minor details.

In regards to writing, there’s another thing that annoys me. Clichés. Or whatever my brain registers as the common stories of crappy story-lines. Basically, I go back and read things I wrote years ago and I want to rip the whole thing apart. No one is blaming an amateur for crappy story-lines, but at least be original with the story-lines. And maybe don’t copy and paste ideas and story-lines from other works. Only to make it a worse story than the original.

Here’s one thing that I cannot get through my head, no matter what. Business websites—-professionals—-with typos on their websites. I get extra annoyed at that, because…of obvious reasons. Mainly because typos have no business being in the businesses. I get that this might be because codes are weird and most IDEs don’t come with word correcting thingies, but honestly, just put the paragraph in some word document, run Grammarly or any other word-correcting program (or whatever it is) onto the paragraph, then paste the thing into the code. It’s not that hard, and it runs less risk of errors. On top of that, double check that everything is right, then you got yourself a typo-free website. I don’t use those kinds of things, but if you need it, use the damn thing. If you know how to use it, and you’re doing the business side of things, you might as well use the damn thing anyways.

Also, in the case of English (and most likely some other languages around the world), there’s an American version of spelling things, and the English way of spelling things. For example, color vs colour. Pick one, and stick to one. It’s that simple. You can make things easier for yourself by setting your keyboard to USA or EU or whatever computers name things these days. On that note, this website platform, whatever you call it, only lets me type in American English, which I’m not exactly used to. I mix them up whenever I write on different platforms. Well, I use American English majority of the time without realizing it anyways. The difference: Americans like using ‘z’s a million times more, while English people like using ‘s’s a bunch more times. Why do they make things so complicated? So annoying.

Thanks for sticking this long, and I hope you have a great week! 😁 

I want some feedback: Do you like these topics? Anything else you want to send me is much appreciated. Thanks for reading, and I hope it was worth your while 😄 Please tell me something about your pet peeves you might have (if you want), and remember, you’re awesome! If you want, sign up to my weekly newsletter (if you haven’t already). Link down below! Email: [email protected]