Pet Peeves: The Door Peeve

Good Morning (or night or afternoon, wherever you are, whenever you read this)! This post / email is for those who want something fun to read. Hope you stick until the end!

So, let’s just say I ran out of things to talk about in my ‘Let’s Talk’s. I can, certainly, talk a lot about all my failures, but let’s switch to talking about all (or some) of my pet peeves. Because I have a ton. I might come back to the ‘Let’s Talk’s and add some stuff, but that’s in the future. Also, a warning, I may ramble…a lot. Pet peeves are pet peeves for a reason 😅.

When someone tells you to close the door, you better close the freaking door. Properly. I hate it when I tell people to close the door and they don’t. It’s the equivalent of telling a person to close the front door on their way out…and they leave the front door a centimeter open. You know what? That can also result to your death (not trying to be paranoid….).

Stepping away from…my annoyed self, I should explain why the notion of people not closing the damn door annoys me so much. Well, first of all, you’re there, I’m in the room, and you’re gonna walk through those doors and, well, you might as well close the damn door. That’s better than me needing to stand up, walk to the door, and closing it. That takes way longer than you just closing the door on your way out. It takes less than a second, whereas I would take like, 10 seconds. What a waste of time.

I’m quite sure you’re thinking ‘that’s a ridiculous reason’ and, well, it is. I could list a million reasons why it annoys me, but I’m currently reading a book that tells me to save my time so, um…deal with it. I’ll give you more reasons if that isn’t enough.

Growing up, I didn’t even have my own room. So my roommate (aka my sibling) would go in and out of the room. They are the type of person to leave the door wide open. I tell them to close the door ‘cause I want my privacy (like any teenager would’ve), and they exit the door, hears me, comes back, curses at me, then closes the door. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating, but sometimes, it felt like they were cursing at me. Now, I do get annoyed, perhaps too much, about this. And it certainly does have something to do with my privacy. If you have a kid, and they tell you to close the door, you better give them some privacy. I’m actually not sure whether it’s the privacy, or the thought that the door is a barrier between me and some extraterrestrial being (who probably could obliterate the door, and probably does not exist), but it does make me feel more at ease when the door is closed.

Here’s the levels of peeves I have with this pet peeve. One, the door is fully open. Okay. No privacy, and someone can scare me to death at any moment. That’s fun. I’ll stand up and shut the door in my visitor’s face (if they come back). Two, the door is a bit open, but mostly closed. Oh hell no. You could’ve just shut the door fully but no, you had to leave it open just a tiny bit? Are you trying to drive me insane? I’ll open the door and slam the door shut until you hear the house creaking. Well, not really. Also, the ‘visitors’ would have to be someone that lives with me, not some stranger that comes visit someone in the household (I’m not that rude). And, well, I suppose if you have a legit reason for not closing the damn door, I’ll forgive you.

A comment about level two pet peeve. It really gets on my nerves. Probably because my siblings made fun of my pet peeve and, to annoy me further, only closed the door 98% of the way. I suppose that’s what siblings do, but it annoys me immensely now. Thank them that I am now writing about how I would possibly break a house by slamming a door closed for literally no reason. Wait. Give me 90 seconds. My anger will not last longer than that (I believe it’s scientifically proven). Of course, unless you trigger me in another way.

Thanks for sticking this long, and I hope you have a great week! 😁 

I want some feedback: Do you like these topics? Anything else you want to send me is much appreciated. Thanks for reading, and I hope it was worth your while 😄 Please tell me something about a pet peeve you might have that annoys you to no end (if you want), and remember, you’re awesome! If you want, sign up to my weekly newsletter (if you haven’t already). Link down below! Email: [email protected]