Pet Peeve: Food Waste

Good Morning (or night or afternoon, wherever you are, whenever you read this)! This post / email is for those who want something fun to read. Hope you stick until the end!

Let me be honest about this: I hate food waste. It annoys me when I see cooked food dumped into the garbage, and it annoys me when I notice that there’s someone around the table with a bit of food left.

It may be because of my culture or my perfectionism, it may just purely be because I hate food waste. If someone dumped perfectly good food into the garbage, I would be pissed. If someone left a crumb there, a piece of rice here, I will be annoyed.

Things can accumulate, and so can food waste. Every little thing you waste which gets thrown into garbage, they can accumulate into a whole meal for someone in need of food (eventually). It also just annoys me how people casually throws away food that has been cultivated by someone that spent time to do so. I will literally take an hour to scoop up all the sauce if no one said anything.

I know I shouldn’t, but I am always tempted to eat burnt stuff I accidentally burnt during my cooking. It might kill me one day, but well, less food waste. I’m sorry that my poor cooking skills contributes to food waste.

I know that a lot of people don’t think like me. In fact, I might be very weird / unique and my brain might be wired a different way (with more than a few screws loose, if I’m being honest), but food waste is food waste. I hate wasting food, but I wouldn’t eat every food there is. I’m picky, and I’ve contributed my share of food waste for sure. For example, my brain will torture me before killing me if I were to be presented with a food that I absolutely hate. It’s like I get the fight or flight response. Either eat the damned thing or run away from it until I can’t see nor smell the thing.

So, yes, I hate food waste, and I cannot understand why someone would throw away perfectly good food. However, I am also a contributor to food waste, sorry to say. I don’t eat every last drop of food, and I will reject food I don’t want in my system. I will also fail miserably at making food, consequently wasting food. I am very annoyed at myself every time I do waste food, and, yes, I sometimes wish I never existed purely because of my contribution to food waste. Hmm…yeah. That sounded like something with a few screws loose would say 🫠.

If you want to learn about contributing to reducing food waste, click this link:

Thanks for sticking this long, and I hope you have a great week! 😁 

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