Let's Talk: Visual Art

And My Subtle Inability to Draw Anything Beautiful

Good Morning (or night or afternoon, wherever you are, whenever you read this)! This post / email is for those who want something fun to read. Hope you stick until the end!

Visual Arts—drawing in particular—is something I both enjoy and hate doing at the same time. Visual Arts can be defined as any creative art that is appreciated by sight. This week, I will be talking about visual arts in general and drawing (in a more specific manner).

In general, visual arts is something I am unable to make beautifully. Sculpting, drawing, painting—any of those things. Sure, I have relatively creative ideas (I think), but I am somehow unable to make the arts that I end up making look good. In high school, I took visual arts as an elective and I have used a variety of mediums, however, I can’t seem to get things as I want them to. Basically, I hate doing visual arts because my perfectionism is a pain to deal with. During the progress, though, it is something that I love.

Drawing, in particular, is something that I wish I could be better at. Of course, I have to put in the effort, and of course, I totally am not, however, I just constantly wish my drawing skills could improve every few weeks (when I realize how bad my skills are). I suppose this is also a dunning-kruger effect which affects my perception of my drawing compared to others, however, it really is demoralizing, seeing good art everywhere and comparing it to my own drawings. Then again, I never got formal drawing lessons, and I didn’t really draw growing up, so it is fair how bad my drawing skills are (attempting to make excuses). Despite all of my complaining about how bad my drawing skills are, I do like drawing, only that I suffer from external sources of demoralization (or pulled-down-back-to-earth effect). To be fair, I can improve a whole lot, so I’m not blaming anyone here.

Recently, I’ve been playing around a little with digital art, and somehow, it’s much more complicated than I thought (though it might be partly due to my bad drawing skills). If someone can give me advice for blending colors with digital art, much appreciated 🙏. For anyone that can draw, I challenge you to make your own animation and send it to me. It’s pretty easy to make an animation (2D), and some of the animation software out there are free, so you can easily start your own animation. It doesn’t have to be complex (I made a box jumping animation that, of course, had bad drawings), and you don’t have to, but I do think it would be something fun to know and try out. Also, I was using some free digital art software, and it turns out, I can animate on there, so who knows. The software (or app) that you use may turn out to have an animating feature 😉.

I like visual arts, and I like drawing, but I hate it too because I hate my perfectionism. I want to improve, but I procrastinate (very hard) on executing my master plan in doing so (ignore the ‘master plan’ part. Was trying to sound like it was super serious or something out of a film 😅. I have no plan 🫥). So, I now declare to the whole internet (or everyone reading this)…that I will attempt to execute my plan on improving my drawing. How would you know that I am improving? No clue. Maybe one of my social media accounts I decide to create somewhere further down the line. In any case, stay tuned if you’re interested because I might post something in…say a year’s time (hopeful wishing). In the mean time…I suppose I should take a picture of one of my artworks to see if I’m improving 📸.

Thanks for sticking this long, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this, and I hope you have a great week! 😁 

I want some feedback: Do you like these topics? Anything else you want to send me is much appreciated. Thanks for reading, and I hope it was worth your while 😄 Please tell me something you, yourself, wish to improve upon (if you want), and remember, you’re awesome! If you want, sign up to my weekly newsletter (if you haven’t already). Link down below! Email: [email protected]