
About Me

Good Morning (or night or afternoon, wherever you are, whenever you read this)! This post / email is for those who don’t know me yet. Hope you stick until the end!

This Newsletter is for fun, and does not have a niche (might change). Here, I will rant about everything and anything I find interesting. This may include books, cooking, finances, weird things I discover in my life, and more things (I cannot articulate currently). My hope is that you find the things I write about as interesting as they are to me, or you take one thing away from each (totally) wise newsletter. I will do my best to keep a consistent schedule (Sunday morning in my time zone), and any constructive feedback that make my writing better is utmost appreciated. I will also do my best in learning and utilizing this platform (beehiiv).

About me: my hobbies includes reading, learning, cooking, writing, gardening, and crocheting. I have too many favorite foods, and (because I’m broke) I plant little seeds in recyclable containers (that are currently dying on me 😟 ). I am (kind of) vegetarian, and love fruits and vegetables equally (averagely speaking). I don’t have a favorite color, and I am currently annoyed that this is giving me red underlines for spelling favorite and color ‘wrong’ (it’s the difference between American English and British English). I can write in English but not speak it (I can’t speak any language. Communication skills sucks), am an introvert by nature (or not?), and I have one too many mental problems (I don’t think I’m neurotypical) to keep my mind staying on one topic. I rant a lot, and my common sense is not common sense so it’s not common sense but my common sense (if any of that made sense).

Fun Facts: I started writing when I was 13 on a piece of paper and pencil, and I groan about how stupid the contents of the writing were every now and then. But here we are now, (undisclosed amount of) years later, and you now have something to read 😃 

P.S. elisemoris is a pen name / pseudonym / alias, just so no one asks how my parents ever named me such. But the name originates from one of my ‘ah hah’ moments that wasn’t really (I know I’m bad with names 😅 ) when I made an account for League Of Legend (LOL) and I didn’t want to use my actual name. Thanks, whomever made League Of Legend (though I never got beyond the tutorial 😇 ).

I want some feedback: what would you like me to write about? Anything else you want to send me (including constructive feedback) is much appreciated. Thanks for reading, and I hope it was worth your while 😄 Please tell me something about you (if you want), and remember, you’re awesome! Sign up to my weekly newsletter (if you haven’t already and you like the content 😉 ). Link below! Email: [email protected]