Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

Good Morning (or night or afternoon, wherever you are, whenever you read this)! This post / email is for those who want something fun to read. Hope you stick until the end!

Let’s change it up and talk about plants again (I love plants 😄). Having some plants around is pretty fun (minus the bugs), and sometimes, edible too.

There’s several reasons to grow plants. It’s shown that we (humans) tend to relax more when staring at any nature, including plants (or something). It sometimes, sometimes, saves you money and the hassle of visiting the supermarket. It’s fun (debatable). And you know what exactly you did to make the plants grow.

So, if you’re convinced (unlikely), let’s go over some of the easiest things to plant. At the top of my (invisible) list, there’s herbs, some flowers, and, well, more herbs (if that’s what you call them).There’s also trees, but those are only really easy to take care of once it has matured enough.

Some herbs are like Thyme, Basil, Parsley, Rosemary, Mint, etc. The easiest of the bunch are the herbs in the mint family. The only things you really struggle with with those types of herbs are how to deal with it taking over every soil in sight and not knowing how to use it. They are able to survive in containers, so you can grow them on your balcony if you don’t have a garden, and you can grow them indoors if you don’t have balconies.

Flowers, well, I don’t really know much about flowers (if' I’m being honest 😅). Some (I think most?) are easy to grow, and flowers are great for nature and beneficial insects (and not so beneficial insects too). If you want to see some butterflies and bees, plant some flowers! Make sure to research before buying, and make sure the type isn’t invasive in your area. Similar to herbs, you can grow flowers on your balcony without a problem, and though I wouldn’t recommend it much, you could probably grow some indoors too. In addition, some flowers are edible. Some. Don’t just randomly eat random flowers please.

More herbs that some people don’t classify as herbs. They’re like…well, um. I suppose they’re actually vegetables. Either way, they are notoriously easy to grow. There’s garlic (the easiest of the easiest), onions, radishes, salad greens (such as lettuce and chard), and potatoes. Those, I think, are the easiest to grow, depending on the area in which you live. Garlic is especially easy because you don’t have to go out of your way to buy seeds (search it on the internet). Either way, they are easy to grow for sure. You just have to follow instructions properly (this may depend on the place you live). Though these are perhaps more suitable to be grown in your garden (if you have one), I don’t think it’s much of a problem if you decide to plant them in containers. Especially if you want quick access to things like salad greens.

Other things that are relatively said to be easy to grow are microgreens and sprouts. Just follow instructions, and if you want to go out of your way, buy some equipment too.

I realize that watching plants grow aren’t many people’s idea of fun. Taking equipment costs and all into consideration, I don’t believe these are cost-effective either. I think, though, if you’re super lazy and you have a garden, just plop in some garlic and potato into the ground, and you might get a harvest. Most of the time, you’ll find that they’ll grow. If you have kids, let them do the work while you research some easy things to grow for kids. Kids find it fun (sometimes…) and you might get some ‘free’ food in the process. Either way, try it out. You might find it fun. If you already grow plants and you don’t agree with the list, feel free to shoot me a message with your own list of the easiest things to grow ☺️.

Thanks for sticking this long, and I hope you have a great week! 😁 

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